What is Common Law termination pay in Ontario
Common Law is the system of law that is created based on precedent. When a judge renders a decision in a case, this can be used by other judges in later decisions. In Ontario, the Common Law after someone has been fired from their job refers to the precedent (or...
3 Questions for your Employment Lawyer
After being fired, the most important step one can take is ensuring that they are fully informed of their options and entitlements. Speak to an employment lawyer before accepting any offer of severance or considering walking away from a for-cause termination. When...
How do free severance reviews work?
After being fired, the most important step one can take is ensuring that they are fully informed of their options and entitlements. Speak to an employment
Cause for termination – get a second opinion!
In Ontario, "for Cause" termination is not an easy thing for an employer to successfully assert. In comparing it to criminal cases, it is like the "death sentence" of the employment law world. Even in cases where an employer can prove poor performance or some...